Reference projects
Over the last 20 years Swedish Biofuels has been constantly developing and refining our core products and technologies, collaborating with leading innovators in both the public and the private sector. We firmly believe that this collaboration holds the key to solving the carbon/energy crisis.
Below are just a few of our collaborations and projects.

EU funded project
Within the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission, Swedish Biofuels led an international consortium to demonstrate SAF production at the pre-commercial scale, reference BFSJ 612763. The international Consortium of seven members included: Swedish Biofuels (Sweden, jet fuel production process), Lufthansa (Germany, engine testing and flight), SkyNRG (Netherlands, marketing), E4Tech (Switzerland, life cycle analysis), SCA (Sweden, raw material supply), Remeksi Keskus (Estonia, equipment), and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium, policy studies).

Swedish military funded project
In a project carried out together with SAAB Aeronautics, GE Aviation, the US Air Force, and the Swedish Air Force, funded by the Swedish Government Defense Materiel Administration (FMV), Swedish Biofuels successfully demonstrated the production of 100 % sustainable aviation fuel (SB-JP-8) and its performance for the SAAB Gripen jet fighter engine.

US FAA funded project
Under the project funded by the U.S. Government Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Swedish Biofuels AB demonstrated its technology to produce sustainable jet fuel from off-gases. The evaluation demonstrated properties meeting or exceeding all the standard criteria and the technology is ready for scaling up. This results in an increase in the raw material base for Swedish Biofuels technology.

Biofit consortium
The Biofit Consortium aims to provide bioenergy retrofits for European industry. Swedish Biofuels has been pivotal in assessing the role of biofuels as part of this larger picture. Part of this process has involved demonstrating that Swedish Biofuels’ ATJ technology is greenhouse gas emissions neutral, can achieve negative carbon emissions by integrating side streams, and can provide a 100% replacement for fossil aviation fuel.

US DARPA funded project
Under the project funded by the U.S. Government Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Swedish Biofuels AB demonstrated its technology to produce sustainable jet fuel, agreement number W911NF-08-C-0001. Swedish Biofuels AB has produced 100 % biological jet fuel, SB-JP-8, equivalent to petroleum based JP-8. SB-JP-8 has been submitted to a U.S. Ministry of Defense test facility for evaluation in accordance with the standard MIL-DTL-83133F. The evaluation demonstrated properties meeting or exceeding all the standard criteria.